Dear Zach,

Today is the first blank page of a 365 page book.. Write a good one. Indeed, write a good beginning for a starter of a new year. I am pretty sure everyone is busy making resolutions and to-do list for 2014. Having said that, mostly everyone would have failed to achieve from what the to-do list have been written in the end of the year. #Justsaying #Sorrynotsorry
2014 is pretty much an important year for me, after a good riddance for 2013, as there will be some major events happening once in a lifetime. Such as:
- Turning 21 – not a big deal to me because birthday is never a big deal to me. Unless someone wants to make the deal bigger than it already does.
- Graduating from University – a once-in-a-lifetime event that I most anticipate of! Though the graduating ceremony will be held next year.
- Having internship as if getting a job – I could say this will be my first baby step in the world of career. As surprising as it sounds, I had never had a job throughout my whole life.
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