Saturday, March 29, 2014

If I Were To Start All Over Again


Dear Zach,

If there was any possibility that I was given a chance to start all over again for everything has to do with my sexuality, for some people that would be a HUGE yes, but for me I would rather give up on this chance of a lifetime to continue on my winding road as I knew it. I am pretty much contented with my own whirlwind going around me and it is adventurous to be able to have been through it by myself.

I really do not want to resort to the past year figuring out who the hell I am. I am pretty sure the journey would have been similar to what I had already gone through, except the formal one was way too exciting and thrilling and sometimes I got hardon when I think of it leisurely. I made mistakes along the way; I have learnt from them. But I would never repeat the same thing ever again. Learning can never be stopped until you are dead.

I believe everyone has their own story to be told in theirs’ most comfortable way. My blog is my own comfort zone and it is the only ‘friend’ I am able to find solace. I am glad that I am able to be stronger than I thought I could be every single day.


  1. How I wish I could be as determined... best wishes to you.

    1. thank you. you can be too! never underestimated what you are capable of.

  2. What doesn't kill you would only make you stronger :) Hoping the best for you :)

    1. thank you Simon. same goes to you !


© Dear Zach
Maira Gall